Steven Greydanus’s Turbulent Mailbox

Steven Greydanus’s Turbulent Mailbox November 2, 2007

My friend and colleague Steven Greydanus also happens to be one of my favorite film critics. And like the interesting “Christian hate mail” I describe in my book Through a Screen Darkly, Greydanus gets plenty of amazing (and disgusting) mail in his mailbox too.

You can check out his latest batch of questions-and-answers here.

My favorite letter and response?

The letter:

Steven D. Greydanus is a dumb ass writer. He doesn’t even know how to write. 3:10 to Yuma is the best western I have ever seen. You need to let Steven D. Greydanus go.

The response from Steven:

As a compound adjective preceding a noun, dumb-ass‚ should be hyphenated.

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