The Browser, 4/1: Five favorite Peter Weir Films; Vega and Bird Blog

The Browser, 4/1: Five favorite Peter Weir Films; Vega and Bird Blog April 2, 2008

What would your five favorite Peter Weir films be?

The House Next Door offers Craig Simpson’s answer, and others get into the game.


  1. Fearless
  2. Picnic at Hanging Rock
  3. Witness
  4. The Mosquito Coast, and probably…
  5. The Truman Show, or may be Master and Commander… or perhaps Gallipoli.

Ask me again in five minutes, and I might change my mind.

But I do know this for certain: The man should make more movies! I’d like to have ten more to choose from!

Measure for Measure: New songwriter-blog treasure

Andrew Bird and Suzanne Vega are blogging about songwriting for The New York Times? Cool.


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