Back Through a Screen Darkly…

Back Through a Screen Darkly… June 17, 2008

As recent posts have raised some of the same questions that prompted me to write Through a Screen Darkly, I think I’ll provide links to…

The Introduction

Chapter One: How a Camel Made a Grown Man Cry (PDF)

Chapter Two: Viewer Discretion Advised

I wrote this in order to take the time necessary to explore questions that are too complicated to address sufficiently in a blog post.

It’s been a joy to have this book welcomed by Christian universities and colleges and film studies programs across the country as a provocation to discussion about the intersection of faith and film. I’m enjoying the conversations I have with students at Seattle Pacific University, Calvin College, Fuller Seminary, and beyond. It’s exciting to see Christian dialogue about the movies get beyond “This movie is good, this movie is bad.”

Of course, plenty of sites still seem to think that a good movie review consists of counting cuss words and descriptions of sexual content. But the conversation is growing and deepening, and when I find an opportunity to contribute in some small way, I’m overjoyed. I’m still learning from this conversation, and I’m grateful to those who engage with humility, insight, courage, and grace.

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