Wild Things!

Wild Things! March 25, 2009

They make my heart sing!


I recently listened to an archived interview by Terry Gross with author Maurice Sendak. It brought back memories of the strange emotions I felt as a child whenever I read Where the Wild Things Are. That I feel those same feelings watching this trailer is very promising indeed. If I feel them as I watch the film itself, it will be something truly wonderful. And Spike Jonze might be just the man to make that happen.

I also think this is my all-time favorite match of a song and a trailer. Tears. We’re talking tears. That song has become one of my favorites anyway. Such beautiful, heartbreaking lyrics. I’ve been at the front of an Arcade Fire crowd and sung along with them, and it has the same kind of power over me that only a few songs ever have. To pair it with this trailer sets off an atomic bomb of emotion.

What is it about wild things? And Totoros?

Are you fond of the book? Why? What is it that you love about Max and his Wild Things?

[The link above has been revised with Apple’s HD trailer.]

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