“Jesus is Mine”

“Jesus is Mine” April 11, 2009

I have a recording of my friend Nathan Partain singing a hymn called “Jesus is Mine.” I’m grateful to have his permission to share it with you.

If you’re interested in the history of the hymn, you can read about the history of the hymn here, in this excerpt from The Complete Book of Hymns.

I had never heard it, though, until Nathan wrote a new arrangement and performed it in church. It moved me to tears, and remains, for me, the song in my music collection that moves me most deeply. I have no desire to entertain morbid thoughts, but this is the song I want sung at my funeral. If the Lord is willing, I’d be honored if Nathan sang it. I suspect I’ll be singing it when I rise to meet my Lord, and I’ll be singing it tomorrow morning when I rise to join the Body of Christ in celebrating a joyous Easter.

I hope it blesses you too.

Okay, Nathan… sing it.

Jesus is Mine

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