IAM Encounter 11 Discovery #2: Rosebud Incarnation

IAM Encounter 11 Discovery #2: Rosebud Incarnation March 12, 2011

What you’re about to see is pretty incredible.

First, watch some of this. It may be familiar to you: A clip from the 1943 film Till the Clouds Roll By.

Okay, now you’re ready for the real fireworks. Check this out…

Rosebud Incarnation from Slim Jim Spur on Vimeo.

It’s the same film clip, with a whole new soundtrack. That sounds impressive, perhaps. But really… I would have been skeptical about the whole affair if I’d had time.

Isn’t it kind of like cheating, to take something that’s already been produced with all kinds of creativity, change part of it, and then present it all over again?

Sure, it can be like cheating.

But if an artist is so creative in their work of adaptation and transformation that they deliver a new experience, honoring the original while expanding our experience, then what’s the problem?

In this case, the video in question has been in the public domain for a while. I don’t think what you’re about to see diminishes it in any respect. But let me tell you, when this played on the big screen at IAM Encounter 11, there were cheers of amazement and joy. I was cheering too. It was a rush.

Note the perfect timing of each musical transition. And best of all… WATCH THE SINGERS’ LIPS.

“Mouth mapping”: that’s what they call this creative technique.

My compliments to my new friends Todd and Kim Garza. Great, great stuff. Almost makes me want to grab my umbrella and learn a few steps.


Come on, give me a break. This is Seattle. We’ve got to take good care of our umbrellas.

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