Iambic Interview: “Who Influenced The Auralia Thread?” “Why Is Fantasy So Popular?”

Iambic Interview: “Who Influenced The Auralia Thread?” “Why Is Fantasy So Popular?” March 21, 2011

At the blog Iambic Admonit, I’ve been interviewed about The Auralia Thread and the state of modern moviegoing. This was a challenging interview: I could have written an essay for almost every question, including…

  • Who influenced The Auralia Thread?
  • Why is fantasy so popular right now?
  • What topics are trending in movies today?
  • What is the state of “spirituality” in movies today?

I’m afraid that I actually did contribute some essay-length in response. So follow the link and check out the conversation… but it will require some sustained attention.

Many thanks to Sorina Higgins for the interview!

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