Reading Backwards

Reading Backwards March 15, 2011

What would happen if you read the books in The Auralia Thread out of order?

I would have guessed that it would be pretty much impossible. Several reviews of Cyndere’s Midnight and Raven’s Ladder began with the reviewer saying, “I was very confused, but then I realized that this book was part of a series, and I need to read the first one.”

But there have been exceptions. Some read Cyndere’s Midnight first and managed to get through it and enjoy it. Then they read the rest of the series.

But tonight I came across a review written by someone who read The Ale Boy’s Feast – the fourth and final book! – before reading any of the others. What did the reader think of it?

See for yourself. Apparently, it isn’t impossible. It’s not ideal, of course. But not impossible.

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