I'm moving!

I'm moving! May 22, 2012

Big news.

Good Letters, the daily blog hosted by IMAGE journal, where many of my favorite bloggers (including Sara Zarr, Bradford Winters, A.G. Harmon, Allison Backous, and others) contribute inspiring work every month, and where my film reviews are posted twice a month, is moving!

Good Letters will still be hosted by IMAGE, but it will be published on a larger platform that will bring us many new readers (and probably a much livelier circus of comments).

Where is this mysterious new kingdom of blogging?

Here is Gregory Wolfe’s big announcement at IMAGE.

And here’s a sneak peak of the new blog.

Many thanks to Gregory Wolfe and the whole team at IMAGE who have helped develop Good Letters into a lively, unpredictable, eloquent blog about abundant life. And thanks to Cathy Warner, who recently took over as the blog’s editor.

Oh, and in case you’re wondering… LookingCloser.org is staying right where it is.

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