November 26, 2019

God is in the process of creating a new world in the midst of the world that we humans have constructed. The Creed, which Catholics and other Christians recite every Sunday, is the sign that points to that world. This is the delayed continuation of the series on the Mass. People who know me know some of the reasons why I haven’t written for a while. These are the earlier posts in this series: The Mass: Is it Still the... Read more

November 13, 2019

Between the Liturgy of the Word (see this post) and the next main part of the Mass stands a small part we call the Creed. Our imaginary visitor from space, who has seen both today’s and the pre-Vatican II Mass, notices little difference here except for the obvious change from Latin to English. But there is something so odd, so contrary to our expectations that she might be the only one noticing it. (Remember she doesn’t have any expectations.) This... Read more

November 8, 2019

Trump begins withdrawal from Paris Climate Agreement On June 1, 2017, Donald Trump announced that he would pull the United States out of the Paris Climate Agreement at the earliest possible date. The earliest possible date to begin the process was November 4, 2019. On that date, through Secretary of State Pompeo, Trump announced the formal beginning of the process. In fulfillment of a campaign promise, Trump threatens to commit the world’s most anti-life deed. If completed it will result... Read more

November 4, 2019

You can tell from these posts on the Mass that I view the liturgical reform since Vatican II positively. I think most Catholics do too, but many do not. That fact became clear to me last week. My sister mailed me some articles that a priest of the Wisconsin parish where I grew up published in the local newspaper. The articles, she says, disturbed many Catholics. My response to him, which that newspaper may or may not print, also makes... Read more

November 1, 2019

The first of the two main parts of the Mass is a sharing of God’s word of salvation. We sit to listen to the Word of God except that we stand for the Gospel. That ought to tell us that there is more than listening going on in the Liturgy of the Word. This post on the Liturgy of the Word is the second in a series that will take a look at the way the Mass is celebrated in... Read more

October 29, 2019

Imagine you are a visitor from space finding yourself in a Catholic church during Sunday liturgy just in time for the Introductory Rites. Not having any previous acquaintance with churchy things, you’d have to interpret what you see according to its most obvious meaning. Not knowing Jesus would be a big disadvantage, but being without preconceptions would be a plus. I’m not an extraterrestrial, but I have another advantage that will help me look afresh at today’s liturgy: I’m old.... Read more

October 26, 2019

If you’re a traditionalist Catholic looking at the modern Mass, you might think the liturgical reforms changed the Mass beyond recognition. But let’s try to imagine a more neutral observer. My imaginary observer is going to be an alien from another planet. This being will have superb powers of observation, including the ability to read minds. He/she/it/they came to earth in the early ‘60’s and happened to take in a Catholic Mass. A certain Jack Hartjes was there. Returning 50... Read more

October 22, 2019

Bad and better arguments for male-only priesthood, but no reason to keep women out of the college of cardinals The Amazon Synod is bringing an extra level of attention to women’s role in Church leadership. Women are the leaders in many Amazon communities. That circumstance warrants synod fathers’ wish to recognize officially the religious leadership that women already exercise there. Some bishops have argued for ordaining women as deacons, opening up the lowest clerical order to women. How about looking... Read more

October 14, 2019

Austin Ivereigh, in a Commonweal article makes much of the fact that the Synod for the amazon is a territorial synod, the first ever, he says. Doing so and focusing more intently than customary on Amazonian conditions, he helped me understand the push for a ministries structure peculiar to the Amazon. I rely on this article for much of what follows. Despite charges of paganism, pantheism, and other heresies from “superannuated cardinals” and some Catholic news outlets, Ivereigh sees, on... Read more

October 11, 2019

For any group that wishes to stand apart from the rest, identity is a major issue. The Church’s identity crisis of the last few decades is coming to a head with recent developments. These include Pope Francis’ emphasis on compassion and his push to the margins and the push against Francis by some, of whom Cardinal Burke is a leading example. The latest scene in the identity wars is the Amazon Synod. The Bible records a similar identity crisis in... Read more

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