The Christian Right

The Christian Right is made up of fundamentalists, evangelicals, and other religious conservatives who work to restore traditional morality to the nation through legislative action. They vote, lobby, and marshal their resources to elect conservative Christian legislators and forward their legislative agenda. At the moment, the Christian Right’s primary concerns include banning abortion, keeping gay marriage illegal, restricting sex education to abstinence only, and restoring creationism and school prayer to America’s public schools.

I grew up in the Christian Right, and began campaigning with my family at a young age. I was involved in more political campaigns than I can count, and I was always taught that our number one voting issue should be abortion. In college and over the years since I have reconsidered and ultimately rejected the political ideology in which I was raised, and I am today pro-choice and pro-LGBT rights.

For my thoughts on the Christian Right, see Key Posts, and for further information, see Resources. For everything I’ve posted on the Christian Right, see posts under the following categories: PoliticsChristian Right, Church and State, Abortion, LGBTQ, and Dominionism.


Key Posts on the Christian Right

A Package Deal: On Mixing Religion and Politics

A Little Child Shall Lobby Them

Re-Writing the Pro-Life Agenda

The End Times

Abortion and LGBTQ Rights:

Abortion, Heartbeats, and Souls

Abortion and Premarital Sex: On Keeping Your Legs Shut

Abortion, Murder, and Smokescreens

My Rights as a Pregnant Woman or the Lack Thereof

Abortion, “God’s Plan,” and “Selfish” Women

On Abortion, Murder, and “Post-Abortion Trauma”

Anoka, Minnesota, and “Curing the Gay”

Abortion, GLBT, the Bible, and Cloaking

The “Homosexual Agenda”

Church and State and “Discrimination”:

“Religious Freedom” Is Not a “Get out of Jail Free” Card

Transgender Individuals, Bible Believing Christians, and Discrimination

I Call Bullshit on “Christian Persecution”

A (Late) Christmas Rant

Next They’ll Come for Our Bibles!

Founding Father Worship and Gay Marriage


“Teach Them Diligently”

Environmentalism as a Conspiracy Theory


Resources on the Christian Right


What’s the Matter with Kansas: How Conservatives Won the Heart of America, by Thomas Frank

Raised Right: How I Untangled My Faith from Politics, by Alisa Harris

Broken Words: The Abuse of Science and Faith in American Politics, by John Dudley

Crazy for God: How I Grew Up as One of the Elect, Helped Found the Religious Right, and Lived to Take All (Or Almost All) of It Back, by Frank Schaeffer

With God on Our Side: The Rise of the Religious Right in America, by William Martin

God’s Own Party: The Making of the Christian Right, by Daniel K. Williams

Roads to Dominion: Right-Wing Movements and Political Power in the United States, by Sara Diamond


Guide to the Christian Right, on Political Research Associates

The End of the Christian Right, on The New Republic

The Christian Right, Alive and Well, on Salon

Broken Words and the Freedom to Ask Questions, on The Slacktivist

I’m Pro-Choice and Christian, Ask Me How, on Persephone Magazine

The “Biblical View” That’s Younger Than a Happy Meal, on The Slacktivist

Mischief Follows in Partisan Bible Translations, on The Slacktivist


Right Wing Watch

Dispatches from the Culture Wars


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