IN GOD WE TRUST: Do You Really Need It? This Will Help You Decide!

IN GOD WE TRUST: Do You Really Need It? This Will Help You Decide! October 2, 2019

In God We Trust. Do we really? As Election Day draws near, many Americans are concerned about the state of our country, the leadership in the White House and in Congress and who will be the next President of the United States. It is because of this that I made this series on Christianity and Politics leading up to Election Day. Listen NOW.



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A Word From Eduardo Quintana

A Call To Action

Men, our families need godly men. Our wives need godly men. Our world needs godly men. Will you be a man with me? Let’s show ourselves strong by living for the Lord. Today I ask you to decide, will you be a man or a mouse? Will you be a Godly man or will you turn your back on God? Will you be a man that lives to serve his wife and children or will you be the man that lives to please himself? Choose today what kind of a man you will be, as for me and my sons, we will serve the Lord and be the men that God created us to be. Will you join us?


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