October 10, 2018

Many of us carry fond memories of Halloween from when we were children. Halloweens of long ago, back when we were growing up. Many of us remember it as innocent fun—a special day just for children. I remember dressing up in silly costumes and going door to door begging for candy. When I was little, I carried a small (more…) Read more

October 8, 2018

Being a dad is hours upon days upon weeks upon years of having little people running around doing things you don’t want done, making mistakes, spilling milk, “wasting your time” (not that any of it is really a waste of time), misbehaving, driving you to the point of momentary insanity. (more…) Read more

October 4, 2018

Every man should be well educated and have basic knowledge of his culture…. Let’s see how much you know! It’s question and answer time with Eduardo Quintana (more…) Read more

October 1, 2018

It sure seems like fathers have a bad rap! We are either too tough on our children or else we are their best friend! Many men today don’t have the guts to be a father, so they become their child’s best friend. The next mistake dads make is when you as a parent try to… 4. Be Your Child’s Best Friend. “Discipline your children while there is hope. Otherwise you will ruin their lives.” Proverbs 19:18 (NLT) How many of you “discipline”... Read more

September 28, 2018

Why do I make so many mistakes as a father? It seems that the things I want to do, I don’t do them, and that which I don’t want to do, I end up doing! And you thought you were the only dad that thought this way, didn’t you? I’ve said it once and I will say it again, dads do some really dumb things. We’ve gone over two of the seven worst things a father can do. Are you... Read more

September 26, 2018

I am not a perfect dad and neither are you! Being a father is probably the hardest thing a man will do in his lifetime! The bad news is that you will do some really dumb things as a father. The good news is that you can do something about it! Today I want to go over the second worst thing fathers do… Put your marriage last. I realize there are many single parents. And I want you to know... Read more

September 24, 2018

Being a father is hard. It’s one of the hardest things any man  will do in his lifetime. We all want to be the perfect dad, but the reality of the matter is that we do some very dumb things. We are not perfect and God knows that! However, there are 7 things we do as fathers that are downright terrible. What are they? We start with this one: 1. Baby your child. “A servant pampered from childhood will become... Read more

September 21, 2018

The only way your marriage is going to be all you want it to be is for both husband and wife to be in tune with Jesus Christ. Getting Jesus first, is the easy part to figure out. How exactly we, men, play our part in the plan is a bit more difficult to evaluate! This is how you can be the man of her dreams! (more…) Read more

September 17, 2018

Every young man wants to have the perfect father and we get frustrated or even mad when we realize that our dad is far from perfect. Nevertheless, we must understand that there is no such thing as the perfect father (except for God). If you are a father, you will agree with me. You are NOT perfect. If you are a child and you are 6 years old or more, you already know your father is not perfect! (more…) Read more

September 14, 2018

In the 4th Rule of Sex, Find out if you have sexual hurts. Do you struggle with feelings of shame and filth? You are not alone. Jesus can give you the comfort and the strength that you need to make you whole again! Today’s podcast will reach into your emotional life and help you heal from sexual hurts! Don’t miss it. (more…) Read more

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