October 8, 2013

So the first way we talk about enlightenment is from a mystical perspective – the shift in consciousness from small self to True Self – but the second way enlightenment is used in language, in the English language particularly, is to refer to what we call the Western enlightenment, and every westerner who’s affected by western ideas at all, who’s listening in this moment, is familiar with this Western enlightenment. The word “enlightenment” above is the same word that’s used... Read more

September 23, 2013

If we understand enlightenment to be an essential transformation that changes the game, that creates compassion and love and mutuality between people, and a sense of participating together in the larger One, in the larger destiny of an emergent; and if we understand that this is a realization verifiable in first-person, that you can actually feel it, touch it, taste it, experience it, and that it’s available through practice — then why isn’t everyone running to become enlightened? Why isn’t... Read more

September 5, 2013

What’s up in the evolution of consciousness at this time are 3 components, a kind of holy trinity, what I refer to in my teaching and writing as: 1. The Democratization of Enlightenment, 2. As an emergent World Spirituality based on Integral principles, and 3. As Unique Self consciousness, or Unique Self enlightenment. These 3 emergent structures of thought, emergent structures of being and becoming, and emergent structures of consciousness are interrelated; they are a holy trinity, which are inseparable... Read more

August 25, 2013

These are the three core images of Unique Self Enlightenment, which is the building block for the Democratization of Enlightenment, which is the essence of an emergent World Spirituality. Three Images of World Spirituality First image: An Orchestra. A great, symphonic orchestra, in which every instrument is playing its music, and the diversity instruments yields the great symphony. Second image: Puzzle and Puzzle Pieces. In order to become part of the One, part of the larger seamless coat of the... Read more

August 12, 2013

World Spirituality is an articulated framework of the essential nature, obligation, essence and invitation of spirit, within which one can organize one’s reality in a way that makes sense. If we discern carefully, we see that World Spirituality is compellingly transformative to four major groups of people (text summarizing this video continues below)… The first group consists of those who are post-traditional. These people no longer locate themselves within a great tradition or a classical religion, and yet they are... Read more

August 4, 2013

Not denying the ego – but evolving beyond the exclusive identification with ego. Following part 3 of the Democratization of Enlightenment Video Series is Part 3 of “Three Steps to the Democratization of Enlightenment.” This paper was originally published in the October 2012 issue of Integral Leadership Review; its publication on our Patheos.com blog is the first time it has been seen online. 1. The Democratization of Enlightenment – Part 3: Who does a World Spirituality address?   2. Three... Read more

July 28, 2013

The realization of Enlightenment is not a denial of individuality but rather the embrace of the higher individuation beyond ego, namely Unique Self. In this post we continue with Part 2 of the Democratization of Enlightenment Video Series. Following the video is Part 2 of my recent Center for World Spirituality white paper, called “Three Steps to the Democratization of Enlightenment,” which was originally published in the October 2012 issue of Integral Leadership Review. This is the first time it... Read more

July 23, 2013

What does the democratization of enlightenment mean? Democratization as in democracy on the one hand, and enlightenment on the other hand. In this post we continue with Part 2 of the Democratization of Enlightenment Video Series. Following the video is Part 1 of my recent Center for World Spirituality white paper, called “Three Steps to the Democratization of Enlightenment,” which was originally published in the October 2012 issue of Integral Leadership Review. This is the first time it has ever... Read more

July 15, 2013

This blog is not to give you more spiritual information. It is the humble intention of this of this blog to give you a transmission which will effect a shift in your consciousness. This shift will bloom your life. This shift will bring gifts to your life and make you a gift to the life of all that is. You can keep your distance and read from a safe place. Or you can say. I am here. I am ready... Read more

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