Here I am, stuck in the middle with you…

Here I am, stuck in the middle with you… April 20, 2015


The Stealers Wheel song, “Stuck in the Middle with You,” is playing over and over again in my brain today as I try to make my way home from New York to Chicago.

I am indeed stuck in the middle, as I’m stranded in New York because of flight cancellations after having flown here from Amman, Jordan and landing last night around 6pm. If I’m lucky, they’ll get me on a flight tonight to Minneapolis sometime after 1:30am and perhaps to Chicago by 3 or 4am.

Sound familiar? It’s the same thing that happened in the way TO Jordan!

So, here I am, stuck in the middle – with you. The folks at the Hampton Inn have been amazing (the manager is allowing me to camp out in the lobby and drown my sorrows in freshly brewed coffee and use their free Wi-fi). But, as far as I’m concerned, the airline folks fit the refrain perfectly:

Clowns to left of me, jokers to the right,
Here I am, stuck in the middle with you.

In a while, I’ll head over to the airport to find out what those clowns and jokers are going to do to get me home before Christmas.

But, I digress.

My friend and fellow Patheos blogger, Frank Weathers, (Why I Am Catholic) told me last night before we parted that, while I was awaiting my flights, I could write the Great American Novel.

That was before  my flight home was cancelled. Now I’m likely to have enough time to write two Great American Novels plus a couple volumes of World History.

True, ‘m anxious to get home and see my family again. I always say that you can take the mommy out of the home, but you can’t take the home out of the mommy. That’s certainly true in my case.

On the other hand, I’m glad for this time to digest all that’s happened to me in the past 11 days (do NOT tell the clowns and jokers at the airline!), As I posted on Facebook earlier:

Woke up this morning with ‪#‎holyjordan‬ heavy on my heart and mind. What an impact this trip has had on me! Listening hard for God’s message in this..

No kidding. I have a LOT on my mind and heart about Jordan, and it’s going to require considerable time for me to contemplate what it is that God’s trying to say to me through this adventure of  body, mind, and spirit.

As I make my way through all the blessings of my Jordan journey, I’ll be posting more about the places I saw and the people I met there and how all of that impacts, not only me, but you.

In the mean time, I’m glad to be stuck in the middle with you as I .weather the travails of cancelled flights and airport camping. Pray for me, won’t you? I do so want to make it home. SOON.


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