Crybully gets owned by a Lyft driver and dropped off on the sidewalk

Crybully gets owned by a Lyft driver and dropped off on the sidewalk September 7, 2016

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This video will make your day!
A video of a verbal altercation between social justice warrior Annaliese Nielsen and a Lyft driver she hired has gone viral for all the right reasons. Though Nielsen hoped the reactions would be in her favor, she easily proved she couldn’t have been more wrong!

Here’s the setup: Nielsen was picked up by the Lyft driver who had adorned his dashboard with a Hawaiian bobblehead doll — a classic “taxi” decoration. Nielsen, who is not from the islands, took offense at the “rude” display of “cultural appropriation” and relentlessly berated the driver, cursing at him and calling him an “idiot.”

To the driver’s credit, he handled the entire situation like a pro; never raising his voice or returning the insults. He simply stated she was extremely rude during her political correctness lecture. Unfortunately for Nielsen, it was all caught on video; video she was hoping would make HIM look bad.

Needless to say, Nielsen never made it to her final destination as the driver, justifiably, dropped her off on the sidewalk. She had the nerve to say this was “the weirdest night of [her] entire life.”

Initially, the driver was fired from Lyft… that is until the video was released and they gave him his job back! It’s a great story all around.

Click CONTINUE to see if for yourself and enjoy! (language warning)

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