Vice President Mike Pence wants Republican Marsha Blackburn to be the next Senator from Tennessee.
“We need @VoteMarsha in the Senate. If Marsha Blackburn’s opponent wins, Tennessee will have a liberal in the Senate who supports single-payer health care and wants to repeal our tax cuts, which he called ‘crumbs.’ He’s too liberal for Tennessee,” he tweeted.
In response, Democrats continued their campaign of “love and tolerance” hoping to attract folks who voted for Trump. They used well reasoned arguments and an appeal to logic.
Oh wait… that’s not quite right.
Fox News has the story:
Mark Brown, a top communications official for the Tennessee Democratic Party currently working as the leading spokesperson to help Democrat Phil Bredesen win the Senate race against Republican Marsha Blackburn, has made a number over-the-top comments on social media, including calling the president “f—stik” and “Putin’s b—-,” the Washington Free Beacon revealed.
“Exactly, f— ‘reaching out’ to Trump voters. The idiots aren’t listening,” Brown wrote in one of the tweets from 2017. In other tweets he also called Trump a “f—ing moron” and “insane f—.”
Let me revise my statement. Democrats continue their campaign of hate and derision towards 50% of the country, hoping that this behavior will endear them to their opponents.
Wait… That’s not right either. How about this? Once again, a high ranking Democrat acts like an arrogant, elitist, pig, who hates half of America.
Yeah… that’s more like it, right?
Democrats are so unaware of how unappealing their rejection of Trump actually is. They have no idea they are pushing Americans into the voting booth to pull the lever again for the President even more quickly.
When will they realize the error of their ways? My guess is election night 2020 when we’ll hear all the liberal wailing and gnashing of teeth once again.
Even that will sound better than their constant, profane whining.
Image Credit: J. Stephen Conn on Flickr
Hat Tip: Fox News