Why is this Ultra Liberal Marxist Being Protested Against By Liberal College Students?

Why is this Ultra Liberal Marxist Being Protested Against By Liberal College Students? October 3, 2016

Progressivism can’t help but eat its own.

You dance with who brought ya, and progressives have been bringing a toxic form of identity politics to the proverbial dance for years now. And, day by day, absurdist moment by absurdist moment, progressives eat their own and show their so-called ideals are as sustainable as their beloved socialism.

The latest incident of progressivism imploding into itself comes from college students in the UK. It appears American college students aren’t the only ones increasingly susceptible to bad ideas like limiting freedom and discourse.

The College Fix has more details:

Here we go again.

Another group of fragile, whiny students is in a tizzy over a planned campus speech by someone with whom they disagree. This time it’s Australian feminist icon and academic Germaine Greer – described by some as an ultra-liberal and Marxist – whose upcoming speech at the UK-based Cardiff University has prompted a petition that calls on the event to be canceled.

Why? Because Greer agrees with most of mainstream America that just because a man gets a boob job, takes massive amounts of estrogen, and wears make-up and dresses, it does not make him a woman.

But the online petition accuses Greer of “misogynistic views towards trans women.”

The petition, which has gathered thousands of signatures, goes on to accuse the liberal feminist icon of “trans-exclusionary views”, having “problematic and hateful views towards marginalized and vulnerable groups,” and therefore not allow her to be a part of the open debate on campus.

They seemed to miss the irony that shutting down people you disagree with inherently means you don’t have an open debate anymore.

Good for Greer for refusing to “walk on eggshells” and sticking to her guns about what makes a woman a woman. I guess those progressives who claim a monopoly on science decide to stop listening to biology when it hinders their latest social justice crusade.

To paraphrase T.S. Eliot, this is how freedom ends, not with a bang, but with a whiny, desperate whimper.

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