10 colleges where free speech isn’t on the syllabus

10 colleges where free speech isn’t on the syllabus February 23, 2017

2. California State University, Los Angles

FIRE writes:

Last February, conservative author and political commentator Ben Shapiro was scheduled to speak at California State University, Los Angeles (CSULA) at the invitation of a student chapter of Young America’s Foundation. After students threatened to protest Shapiro’s speech, CSULA demanded that the students hosting the event pay the cost of security because the appearance was “controversial.” The students objected, but it didn’t matter; CSULA President William Covino unilaterally canceled Shapiro’s speech, claiming he could appear at some future date if accompanied by a panel of speakers who disagree with him.

Ultimately, the school relented and “let” Shapiro speak, but offended students protested the event, pulled fire alarms, and blocked people from getting into the speech. CSULA’s actions earned them a lawsuit from Shapiro and YAF.

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