5 times Senate Democrats embarrassed themselves during the Gorsuch judicial hearings

5 times Senate Democrats embarrassed themselves during the Gorsuch judicial hearings March 23, 2017

2. Sen. Feinstein argued that the Constitution is “outdated”

Can anyone explain to me how Feinstein can continue serving our country when she thinks so little of our founding documents?

“Judge Gorsuch has also stated that he believes judges should look to the original public meaning of the Constitution when they decide what a provision of the Constitution means,” she said. “This is personal, but I find this originalist judicial philosophy to be really troubling. In essence, it means that judges and courts should evaluate our constitutional rights and privileges as they were understood in 1789. However, to do so would so would not only ignore the intent of the Framers, that the Constitution would be a framework on which to build, but it severely limits the genius of what our Constitution upholds.”

Never mind that the Constitution as a “living document” means the contents remain just as true today as they did then, Feinstein believes staying true to the original meanings of the document would send us back to the days of “segregated schools and women wouldn’t be equally protected under the law.” Give me a break.


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