College students fear Chick-fil-A will endanger safe spaces on campus

College students fear Chick-fil-A will endanger safe spaces on campus April 12, 2017


No, this is not an Onion headline. This is real life.

The lunacy that is pervasive on American college campuses has (perhaps?) reached peak insanity. When a chicken sandwich restaurant threatens your well being, it might be time to rethink your life choices.

Duquesne University, a Catholic school in Pennsylvania, is looking to add a Chick-fil-A restaurant to its campus but the school’s Gay-Straight Alliance thinks its presence will threaten the safe space of LGBT students. A board member of the group, Niko Martini, says, “Chick-fil-A has a questionable history on civil rights and human rights,” referring to the controversy stirred years ago by the company’s Christian founder Dan Cathy’s belief in traditional marriage.

“I think it’s imperative the university chooses to do business with organizations that coincide with the university’s mission and expectations they give students regarding diversity and inclusion,” Martini added.

The president of the LGBT Group, Rachel Coury, said, “I’ve tried very hard within the last semester and a half to promote this safe environment for the LGBTQ+ community. So, I fear that with the Chick-fil-A being in Options [the dining hall] that maybe people will feel that safe place is at risk.”


Though the school said they will actually consider these ridiculous demands, the majority of students want the restaurant to come to campus. No decision has been made at this point, but these students have no reason to feel they will be discriminated against, or bullied in any way. They can order food there, or pass it by. Chick-fil-A employees are some of the nicest workers you’ll come across. They will only ask you, “Can I take your order?”

But there’s a better solution and Todd Starnes delivered it in the best way possible: “Eat More Chicken, Snowflakes.”

Photo credit: m01229 via / CC BY

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