Prominent Harvard law professor Alan Dershowitz is no conservative. However, he recently appeared on Fox News to send a message to all of America: the radical Antifa movement that has taken hold of the Democratic party needs to be stopped.
Appearing on “Fox & Friends” Tuesday morning, Dershowitz discussed the misguided desire to take down — or even destroy — Confederate-era statues, describing it as a terrible precedent.
“Do not glorify the violent people who are now tearing down the statues. Many of these people, not all of them, many of these people are trying to tear down America. Antifa is a radical anti-American, anti-free market, communist, socialist, hard, hard left censorial organization that tries to stop speakers on campuses from speaking. They use violence. And just because they’re opposed to fascism and to some of these monuments shouldn’t make them heroes of the liberals.”
Those are powerful words. When a liberal like Dershowitz condemns Antifa so powerfully, other Democrats need to take note.
“I’m a liberal, and I think it’s the obligation of liberals to speak out against the hard left radicals just like it’s the obligation of conservatives to speak out against the extremism of the hard right,” he said. Then, he went on to explain how to most effectively combat this trend. This is something I’ve been saying all along: