Pathetic! Democrats Send Out Donation Pleas that Look Like Collection Letters

Pathetic! Democrats Send Out Donation Pleas that Look Like Collection Letters August 22, 2017


Everyone hates direct mail, but it’s a main staple of modern life.  Organizations need money to continue  work, so most people can handle getting some junk mail asking for donations.  No one has to donate, after all, and most of it ends up being put in the circular filing cabinet known as the garbage.

But sometimes, organizations are so desperate, so low and conniving, that they try to fool the recipients into believing that their donation requests are actually bill collections.  Normally, this is confined to low-life money grabbers… and that tradition continues now that we have seen that the Democratic National Convention is utilizing this practice:


Ever hear the tripe that Democrats are the party of the working people?  Ever hear that Democrats are the ones who care about the working class?  They try to paint the GOP as the “party of the rich” and “out of touch,” while liberals care about the “little guy.”  Justin Haskins, however, points out on Fox that the definition of “the little guy” varies:

The “little guy,” of course, is anyone the Democrats say is being mistreated by whoever they deem to be the villain of the week: insurance companies, oil companies, business owners—maybe even an unenlightened, backwards-thinking redneck from a small town in Pennsylvania, the type who, as President Barack Obama explained to his supporters in 2008, “cling to guns or religion or antipathy toward people who aren’t like them.”

But no matter how many times Democrats like Nixon say they can “feel your pain,” they can’t. He stands before his supporters in a $1,500 suit just like his pro-liberty counterparts do. The idea Republicans and conservatives are the “rich, white, cold-hearted” politicians and Democrats are the champions of the average Joe is less believable than rumors of the Loch Ness monster.

If you ever hear that nonsense again, just remember that Democrats are perfectly willing to confuse their donors — some of whom would be elderly, if just judging by their recent Presidential candidates — into giving their hard earned money.  I guess I shouldn’t be surprised. Taking advantage of the poor is what liberals do.


Image Credit: Judith E. Bell on Flickr

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