Meckler on Fox & Friends: People Have a ‘White, Hot Anger’ Toward Congress

Meckler on Fox & Friends: People Have a ‘White, Hot Anger’ Toward Congress September 3, 2017

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Recently, I had the opportunity to speak on Fox & Friends to discuss the results of their new poll that revealed what you probably already know.  People don’t love Congress.  In fact, only 15% of registered voters polled said they approved of the job that Congress was doing. I know what you’re thinking: what on earth is wrong with those 15%?  Have they been living under a rock?

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I have a very unique vantage point, because I get to talk to grassroots activists and voters all the time, from every state in the nation.  And something is different now.  Though people have been frustrated with politics before — who hasn’t been? — now, there’s what I described on the show as a “red, hot anger” toward Congress.  They see the President as someone who’s trying to get things done, whereas they see Congress as a bunch of do-nothings.

I’d mentioned that there are four hot-button issues that get people animated.  First, tax reform.  When 90% of people have to hire a professional to get their taxes done, you know the system is broken.  Americans want simpler taxes, they’ve been promised this, but they don’t have any real expectation that Congress will deliver.  Second, I was asked what the people believed about the looming government shutdown….  The grassroots activists I talk to say to shut it down. Of course, we need to guarantee military pay, but we also need Congress to stand up for the changes they promised. We can’t concede the fight to the Democrats from the get go.  Grow a backbone. Third, Despite the fear mongering by the mainstream media, the United States is not going to default on our sovereign debt. The GOP should immediately pass a bill saying that Sovereign debt and payment to the military will be maintained, regardless of any failure on increasing the debt ceiling or government shutdown. Lastly, Obamacare needs to go.  We’ve heard all of the promises about repealing Obamacare, and absolutely nothing has come of it.

It’s time to demand more.

Watch my appearance below:

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