UK Doctors Want to Legalize Abortion All the Way to Birth

UK Doctors Want to Legalize Abortion All the Way to Birth September 25, 2017


This is unbelievably vile.  Doctors in the UK who want to legalize abortion all the way to birth.  In other words, they  no longer value of human life whatsoever. Red State has the horrifying details:

The British Royal College of Gynecologists (RCOG) just voted to decriminalize abortions– all abortions– up until birth.  If these doctors had their way, late-term babies that are viable outside the womb would be unprotected.

The RCOG has 14,000 members, but only 33 were allowed to vote on the issue.  The group’s president, Professor Lesley Regan, said last week that the criminal sanctions on abortions should be lifted and compared getting an abortion to getting one’s bunions sorted.  Because that’s totally the same… except that one involves another human life.  A group of 650 doctors called Regan out for such an outrageous comparison, and Dr. John Etherton warned that removing such sanctions opens the door to a dangerous possibility:

It sounds very benign to say let’s decriminalise a procedure, it sounds acceptable, but the immediate implications are that it opens the gate for infanticide.

It takes one’s breath away to consider the implications of this.  Can you imagine what kind of doctor would terminate the life of a 9 month old baby in the womb?   The article goes on to say that in Nova Scotia, pharmacies are allowed to give out the “morning after pill” to women without a doctor’s prescription or advice.  This kills babies in the womb up to 7 weeks.  Of course, this doesn’t give any thought or care to the fact that many women are pressed into abortion by uncaring partners or that they might seriously regret this spontaneous decision.  It’s been said that abortion is a permanent solution to a temporary problem — and many men and women are coming forward and explaining that they do regret killing their children.  

Plus, men need to have a say-so in whether their children are murdered, right?

Lord… please have mercy upon us.

They know not what they do.

Or maybe they do…

Hat Tip: Red State

Image Credit: Pixabay

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