January 22, 2009

Bitter, Socially Inept Gits Feel Affirmed in their Okayness

One of the silliest attempts to ride the Victimism Wagon is the moaning and groaning of atheists over their alleged sufferings and oppression in American culture. What cracks me up is the rejoicing over “counting now” when, in a world of atheistic materialism, the atheist already has everything that “counts”. It’s only in a world which credits notions of a transcendent human dignity (that is, a religious world) that the atheist claim to be somehow oppressed or disenfranchised has *any* hope of making sense. If you are just a smart ape with needs for physical and emotional security, three squares a day, shelter, sex, and a bit of amusement, well buddy, America’s got that for you in greater quantities than you could ever need. So stop whining about being oppressed. Indeed, you’ve even got access to media so you can be a kvetching harpy about your atheism and nobody takes you out and shoots you (something atheists are singularly eager to do with religionists at this very hour in China). So cry me a river.

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