January 13, 2009

Readers I Can Do Without, Who Never Will be Missed

Another Reader for War Crimes writes:

Your prescription seems altogether one-sided. In my comments on various web sites, I write quite often of the need in the liberal democracies to get rid of the poisons of sterility and once again take up the pleasures of having children. However, I also write of the need in liberal democracies once again to take up the pleasures of war joyously. To judge from your post at 8:25 AM, you seem to think that Holy God will judge the Israelis for whatever they are doing in Gaza that you know to be sinful. Instead, I think the Israelis are already suffering and will continue to suffer for what they have not done in Gaza and still show themselves unwilling to do. If sweet baby Jesus would take a break from modeling pretty pain on the cross, take up the sword, and lead His people in repeating the deeds of Joshua, which he performed at the command of God, He might at last become the Jews’ Savior.

A) I have made it abundantly clear I can’t tell what’s happening in Gaza ***because the Israelis have a news blackout***. I find that highly suspicious and I find cheerleading for that, combined with “Nothing wrong is happening and besides those “innocent” women and children deserve” apologetics by readers to be grotesque examples of the human tradition of the Immaculate Conception of the State of Israel. But that is a comment on the bizarre thinking of kneejerk American conservative support for Israel, not a claim to have any solid knowledge of what is happening in Gaza. I am highly skeptical that the slaughter taking place there conforms to just war teaching. But without information, it’s hard to say. So my point has never been “I know what is happening in Gaza”. My point is that those who reflexively and against all the testimony of their senses offer unquestioning apologetics for Israel *don’t* know what is happening in Gaza. But mindless dogmatic adherence to the Immaculate Conception of the State of Israel prompts them to say things ranging from the silly to the evil.

At the “evil” end of the spectrum is the correspondent above: who offers a naked appeal for the extermination of the Palestinian people. For those that don’t know, “Joshua did it” is not an acceptable moral argument for Catholics who wish to commit genocide. However, bitter experience has taught me that Right Wing Catholic kooks can be just as wicked as Lefties in concocting biblical arguments for their preferred sins that cry out to Heaven for vengeance.

On the bright side, people who articulate their thirst for evil make it very clear who I do and do not want commenting on my blog. So I will make it very simple. If you indicate agreement with my correspondent in the combox below, I will kick you off my blog. I don’t need more morally insane people in my comboxes making excuses for evil. Hamas does the work of advocating for genocide, just fine, thanks. Catholics are not supposed to imitate them.

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