January 9, 2009

It’s a Weird Day When Time Magazine Sound like Mark Steyn

…but this article basically makes the same point that he has been making. It happens to focus on Israel, but it’s just as true of the West.

We are basically a hedonist society that has forgotten God and is slowly aborting and consuming itself out of existence. The threat of Islam to the West is like the threat of parasitic disease to a patient who has destroyed his immune system through the various self-indulgences our culture affords. In short, the West is not being murdered: it’s committing suicide.

And, like all deeply selfish technocrats, the West is not asking itself, “How do I repent and get right with God?” It is asking, “How can I maintain my present levels of self-indulgence and, when I encounter threats to it, use technology to crush them so as to stave off the need to change?” Presently, the principle threat being crushed is “babies”. But other threats exist as well, and some of them shoot back. But ultimately, it’s a fool’s errand. Israel, like the rest of the West, wants to be a hedonist culture of abortion. They will, therefore, find themselves overwhelmed by demographics when their neighbors outnumber them. At that point, they can be a Jewish state or a democracy, but not both. And as they go, so shall go the rest of the West if we do not return to something like our Christian heritage. Supernature abhors a vaccum and if Christians (or in Israel’s case Jews) are too timid or in love the world to have, you know, children then the West will become Muslim.

The thing is, children are an expression of hope and hope comes ultimately from God. A pagan civilization can move forward in the hope of finding God. A Christian civilization can live in the hope of heaven. A believing Jews hopes for the Messiah. But a post-Christian (or post-Jewish) secular culture rejects hope as it rejects God. And when you reject hope, you stop having kids and start having fun to distract you from your existential despair. Israel, being a secular Western democracy, is drinking from the same well, having given up on messianic hope largely and having placed more and more of its faith in the same false gods that occupy the thoughts of chattering classes in New York, LA, DC, London and Paris.

Babies, chum: tiny, dimpled, fleshy mirrors of our us-ness, that we parents hurl into the future, like leathery footballs of hope. And you’ve got to get a good spiral on that baby, or evil will make an interception. – The Tick

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