Hitchens Fulminates with Characteristic Hatred of the Church

Hitchens Fulminates with Characteristic Hatred of the Church February 2, 2009

It’s like painting by numbers. One hardly needs to read it because you know what it will say before Hitchens presses the first key on his keyboard.

I find my mind wandering as I read through the polished invective, thinking back to some of the more embarassing moments of self-abasement such as NRO calling in Michael Novak to pull out all the stops in ginning up Catholic enthusiasm for the war by calling him (in a review of god is Not Great, no less) a “treasure”. If you are puzzled by this mysterious enthusiasm, all you need to know is summed up in a single sentence: “He may have trouble with God, but Hitch most certainly believes in the war on terror.”

That darn “Hitch”. He’s like the Gallant Russian Bear who was our Big Friend Gentle Ben ally during WWII. A bit rough around the edges, but filled with a bluff and hearty goodness that only a churl would deny merely because he never misses a chance to spit on the Faith and is an advocate of anti-theist genocide who scares even P.Z. Myers. True, his plans (for now) only extend to the extermination of the better part of a billion Muslims, but does anybody doubt that he’d have little trouble dealing with other theist in this way when he’s cheered for the Soviet slaughter of the Church?

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