How not to Give a Straight Answer

How not to Give a Straight Answer February 19, 2009

From Fr. Z’s blog

Mershon: Mershon: Are there tendencies toward anti-Semitism in the ranks of the SSPX? Is it “anti-Semitic” in your opinion, to pray and work and dialogue for the conversion of religious Jews to the Catholic Faith? And why do you think there is such sensitivity in the media to supposed “anti-Semitism” as if it were under every rock? Do you think there is just as much anti-Catholicism from politicians, media and other decision-makers in Western society? If so, why do you believe the anti-Catholicism gets a free pass from the secular media even from most Catholic media?

Bp. Fellay: The words “anti-Semitic” or “anti-Semitism” are ambiguous. They have at least two completely different meanings. First, the word “Semite” refers to all the people who are descendants of Sem, one of Noah’s three sons. Not only the Jews, but also the Arabs belong to this branch of mankind; they are all Semites.

In this sense, the word refers to races, to people, and it has no religious connotation. Anti-Semitism is condemned by the Church as a species of racism. Racism is both an injustice and goes against the commandment of charity toward our neighbor.

There is another meaning given to anti-Semitism, which is connected to religion, and specifically, the Jewish religion. In the present situation, anyone who makes any remarks about the Jewish religion, or, for instance, says that the Jewish people should embrace the Faith, could very easily be labeled as anti-Semitic. But this is wrong. In fact, to answer your question, in the world there is much more anti-Catholicism than anti-Semitism. The problem is that anti-Catholicism remains in the religious domain, whereas anti-Semitism is almost immediately connected with the Jewish people, which is, once again, very ambiguous and imprecise. [But he was asked if there are tendencies toward anti-Semitism in the SSPX. Did he answer?]

Just so, Fr. Z.

Earlier in the interview, Fellay laments how “Bishop Williamson provided them with an unhoped-for weapon to launch their attack against us. And so the secular world and the progressivists together were able to attack us…”

Just a suggestion, Bp. Fellay, but instead of blaming Them for your troubles you might acknowledge that weaselly replies like this are the principle reason people think the SSPX are untrustworthy kooks. Until you can give a straight answer to a straight question on this very serious matter (Hint: the answer is “Yes”) and clean house, why should people take you seriously? You’ve already started the housecleaning, so why not frankly say, “Yes, it has been a problem. But we are committed to bringing the people who advocate this unCatholic bigotry to heel.” I could respect that.

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