Tin Cup Rattle, Day 1!

Tin Cup Rattle, Day 1! February 23, 2009

As I mentioned last week, today is Day 1 of the Quarterly Catholic and Enjoying It! Tin Cup Rattle

If you like what you read here, please help keep an emphatically lower middle class writer solvent so he can keep bringing you the weird combination of offbeat humor, theological ramblings, ecclesial and civil politics, and various cultural ephemera that you’ve come to realize you can’t live without. If you value this blog as much or more than you value your average newspaper or mag or, say, 60 Minutes, then help me continue doing what I do by throwing something in. I have a family of four at home, two still needing the ocassional nudge of financial aid that younglings recent out of the nest (or contemplating it) need (as well as my ailing and frail Mom staying with us for extended periods off and on) and we get by on a remarkably limited income, the grace of God and the goodness of youse guys.

The thing is: writing is time-intensive. If I don’t supply my family’s needs through stuff like Tin Cup Rattle then, much as I love it, I will have to supply my family’s needs through publishers who will pay me for stuff I write elsewhere. So please, click on the PayPal button to the left and help CAEI stay on the air and our kids get through college, our dentist get his kids through college, and our kidlets get to continue in the homeschool co-op. Also, food and a roof over the head are something they keep pestering me about.

You can either make a straight donation or, if you like to get something for your money, you can buy my books and tapes (autographed even!). And if you’d rather not do the PayPal thang, feel free to email me and ask for my snailmail address. I’ll happily take a check instead.

And don’t forget: another increasingly popular way of getting more bang for the buck and rubble for the ruble is to hire me to come and speak as well! Folks from Adelaide, Australia to Twisp, Washington and the far flung Dublin, Ireland have done so and have very good things to report as a result. So if you are looking for a chance to learn about the Faith and have a very good time doing it, please consider hiring me to come and speak at your parish, conference, bible study or other gathering.

Thanks in advance for your kind generosity!

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