Prayer Request

Prayer Request March 16, 2009

A reader writes:

I am writing to request that you employ the power of the blog on behalf of my son Peter Eunice.

Peter had a 2 inch “juvenile pilocytic astrocytoma” (JPA) removed from his brain on Wed Mar 4th. JPA’s are brain tumors but they are fortunately not malignant. Post surgery he developed “superior sagittal sinus thrombosis” which is a blood clot in the brain. All of this has kept him in the PICU for the entire month of March. In recent hours a CT scan revealed that he has pressure on the brain that requires a second surgery. The surgery is scheduled starting at some time between 2-3 pm CST today (Mar 16). The surgery is to place two nickel sized holes in the skull (but under the skin) to relieve the pressure.

We would appreciate your prayers and those of your readers.

Father, grant healing to Peter and skill to his doctors through your Son, Jesus Christ. Mother Mary and St. Luke, pray for Peter and for all those who love him.

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