Deirdre Reilly writes:

Deirdre Reilly writes: April 2, 2009

I just stumbled on your blog, and I love it! Interesting, stimulating, and funny. I want to know what movie it is you are working on!!

It’s a film called Manalive, a screen adaptation of a novella by G.K. Chesterton.

I have started a new blog for our Christian family press today, and I am open to any blogging tips you have. Would you mind terribly checking it out?

(Tip:) If you are our first visitor who comments, you get a free book! Try the Spurgeon title. Email me and I’ll send it out – if you are first.

What is the recipe for a great blog?

Hmmm… if I had a great blog, I’d know how to answer that. As it is, I’ve only got my blog, but I’ll give you what I know.

Basically, my blog is a way to comment on whatever interesting flotsam or jetsam washes up in my mailbox, from the perspective of a reasonably informed Catholic layman. My rule of thumb is taken from C.S. Lewis, who said, “Write about what interests you and nothing else.” The trick is to keep trying to widen your range of interests–something the internet makes easy. The other trick is to limit the number of posts you do, since somebody always wants to know what you think about X, Y, and Z.

I view what I do on the blog through two basic lenses. The first is “Look for teaching opportunities about Catholic life and faith occasioned by our culture” and the second is “Have fun.” Often, these two approaches will overlap, not always with expected results. Very often, people will take me seriously when I’m just playing around. Other times, they will think I’m kidding when I’m serious.

That brings us to another point: namely that cyberspace distorts the human voice. I’ve often misunderstood my readers and they’ve often misunderstood me, so don’t be shocked when it happens to you.

A final point: the internet is all about networking, so use it for that. If you have something interesting on your blog, write to other bloggers and suggest they link it. That way, a wider audience finds out you exist and you get more readers. Also, as you can, reciprocate by giving links to other folks who have something worthwhile to say.

God bless you and your work, and good luck with the movie!!

PS. Here’s a link to my nationally syndicated column.

Thanks very much,

Deirdre Reilly
Author and syndicated humor columnist
Gatehouse News Service

Blessings, Deirdre. Hope this helps!

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