Evil Christians Impose Their Values on Indigenous Peoples

Evil Christians Impose Their Values on Indigenous Peoples April 14, 2009

Drawn from Water from Drawn From Water on Vimeo.

Basic rule of thumb for our Chattering Classes. Fling as many condoms as you can at these people and assure them it’ll take care of AIDS. Plus, it will help cull the herd and solve the “Just enough of me. Way too much of you” problem that so troubles white people who gaze upon those with skin of darker hue. Those untermenschen and “human weeds” who, in the words of Planned Parenthood founder Margaret Sanger are befouling the earth with their “‘reckless and irresponsible swarming and spawning”.

But save a baby from being drowned and you are the lowest form of life imaginable: a loathsome Christian missionary imposing your values on a pristine culture.

That’s progress, y’see?

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