113 Followers! May 18, 2009

Today, my ever-swelling horde of obedient servants, I command you to memorize the following and recite it to your nearest blue-eyed relative before nightfall:

Give me the gift of the grip top sock.
A drip drape, ship shape, tip top sock.
Not your spinslick, slap stick, slip slop stock;
But, a plastic elastic, grip top sock.

None of your fantastic slack swap slop
From a slap-dash, flash-cash, haberdash shop;
Not a knick knack, kit-lock,
Knock-kneed knickerboxers sock
With a mock-shot, blob-mottled tricktickertock clock;

Not a rucked-up, puckered-up flop-top sock;
Not a super-sheer, seersucker ruckasack sock;
Not a spot-speckeled, frog-freckled cheap sheik’s sock
Off a hodge-podge, moss potched, botched
scotch block

Nothing slip shod, drip drop, flip flop, or
glip glop,
Tip me to a tip top, grip top sock!

That is all.

Some of you have been asking “How can *I* become one of your Followers, Mark?”

An understandable question. Who would not wish to simply give their will over into my hands to be molded and shaped by my fickle and insane whims? What a relief from the tedious burden of having to think and be responsibie day after weary day!

So, I’ll tell you: I don’t know.

But perhaps one of my minions will reveal the Inner Secrets in the combox.

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