Angels and Demons

Angels and Demons May 11, 2009

A reader writes:

I really enjoyed your presentation of the fallacies of the DaVinci Code movie and your book The DaVinci Code Deception. I was wondering if you will be writing a similar book listings the errors in the Angels and Demons movie as well.

I ordered Bill Donohue’s book “Angels & Demons”: More Demonic Than Angelic ” and was wondering if you read it. If so what are your views. Is it as thorough as your book?

I know the Vatican has said the movie is “harmless” but I’m concerned they are basing their findings on the reactions of viewers in Europe. The skepticism and deep suspicions that Americans have for all groups that they see as powerful and secretive is different. Americans see power and secretive as intrinsically evil. The masons, CIA, Vatican are constantly battling conspiracy theories and this movie is just fuel to the fire.

As Catholics we’re drained by the constant barrage of accusations dumped on us by all sectors, Protestant, secular, etc..about our beliefs and behavior of our leadership and it would be great to be knowledgeable of what they will be coming at us. Catholic apologetics explain the origin and a deeper understanding of our beliefs and weaknesses that are in many protestant beliefs. Your book helped us handle the attacks on Jesus from the DaVinci Code movie but with this new movie I feel we’re on our own.

I’m glad to see the History Channel putting on the show Angels and Demons Decoded Mother’s Day May 10 8pm center, but not sure anyone will know about it. With the DaVinci code there were shows books and presentations for months debunking the movie, and since it was attacking Jesus, most of these came from the Protestant sector. Since this movie basically is attacking the Vatican, I don’t think we’ll be seeing such outcry from our Protestant brothers.

Just wanted to share my thoughts and concerns.
God bless you and all the wonderful work you do to help us defend our faith.

I’ve not read Donohue’s book. However, there are other resources out there, including Steve Greydanus’ fine takedown of the silliness of Angels and Demons.

In addition, I have written a quick debunking piece consisting of 30 Questions about Angels and Demons which will be posted at the Ascension Press site in time for the launch of the film. Steve takes apart almost everything worth taking apart about this dumb book. I focus more on the theological issues (and common bigotries and misunderstandings) the book is playing off of.

You’re right that this film will not raise as much controversy since it is rooted in garden-variety brain-dead anti-Catholicism instead of actually attacking Jesus directly. The Vatican’s description of it as “harmless” is, I think, Roman bureaucrat-speak for “dumb”. It will doubtless make a fortune and spur a fresh generation of fools to say, “What about the murder of Copernicus, huh? Huh? Huh?” But hopefully, when they realize Brown is a dunce and they were fools to get their information on history from a bad movie, such people will be moved to repent their mindless bigotry and reconsider the Church. Meanwhile, we soldier on.

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