I hate being right all the time

I hate being right all the time May 21, 2009

A reader writes:

You. Must. Approve!

The House and Senate [of New Hampshire] have approved allowing gay couples to marry.

But Gov. John Lynch, a three-term Democrat, said last week he would sign a same-sex marriage bill only if it provides “the strongest and clearest protections for religious institutions and associations, and for the individuals working with such institutions.”

Lynch said any such measure needs to “make clear that [clergy and other religious officials] cannot be forced to act in ways that violate their deeply held religious principles.”

The House on Wednesday fell two votes short of approving Lynch’s language, 186-188.

The chamber then voted to send the legislation to a committee to be considered further.

The language would specify that religious organizations can decline to take part in any marriage ceremony without incurring fines or risking lawsuits.

And 188 legislators thought that that exception language wasn’t OK. Why not, if it’s only about 2 men or 2 women wanting to be “married”? No, something else is at work here — as Mark always puts it, it’s not about tolerance. It’s about getting everyone’s forced approval. At least seems that way from the story.

Yup. This is not about “tolerance”. This is about punishing those who so much as *think* that homosex is not the glorious and noble summit of all human perfections.

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