More Feedback on Mary, Mother of the Son

More Feedback on Mary, Mother of the Son May 20, 2009

Since readers asked that I keep them posted. Here’s what I’m hearing these days:

Fr. Phil Bloom writes:

Yesterday I dove into Volume III. Quite a change of pace. Reminds me
of Lewis’ statement about how one cannot always be defending the faith,
but must at some point be nourished by it.

I meant the “like reading C.S. Lewis” comment sincerely. You are doing the work of “translation” that he talked about. You make the faith understandable with apt analogies, such as comparing the Law of Moses to an X-Ray machine. Like Lewis you have striking, memorable sentences, like comparing Marx to a man who only has a hammer for a tool and so sees every problem as a nail. Or God making Mary a fitting recipient for grace just as it is more fitting to serve fine wine in a golden goblet than in a styrofoam cup. Beautiful. I know that those sentences will be quoted in many future homilies, including my own.

Another way this trilogy is like reading Lewis is your ability to bring home that virtue is attractive -and that sin is not cute, but destructive and cruel.

Fr Phil: I had no doubt about your sincerity. It’s just that Lewis is one of my heroes, whose sandals I am not worthy to untie. Gigantic compliments like that give me vertigo. But thanks for your extremely kind words! I appreciate it and hope we can get together for lunch again one of these days!

Another reader sez:

What does a book on MLK Jr, Frank Paretti’s ‘The Visitation’, and ‘Priest Block 25487‘ have in common with’ Mary Mother of the Son vol 1′? They are all books i could not put down and read in 24 hours. Digging into the deeper vol2, I was delightfully surprised how well you can simplify some great and deep mysteries. I recently read BXVI’s Jesus of Nazareth. It was a joy, but it made my little brain hurt sometimes. Your writing made me feel more like a little boy riding a big wheel down a hill. Keep up the good work. I look forward to starting vol3, which I hope will be the icing on this icecream cake.

That’s about it for now. I’ll let you know if I hear more.

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