Prayer Request

Prayer Request May 18, 2009

A reader writes:

Please, please pray for a dear friend of mine who’s currently out of work. She’s a feminist who’s apparently drank more deeply of the cultural Kool-Aid than I suspected, because when she was doing her resume blitz, one of the organizations she applied for was an pro-choice PAC. Please pray that she doesn’t even get a call back from them and that she finds another job. Also, please pray for me, because I apparently have some very un-fun conversations with her in my future (especially if the job application goes anywhere), and I need the strength to stick to my guns without hurting our friendship. As a very easygoing, can’t-we-all-just-get-along type person, that kind of thing doesn’t come naturally to me.

Thank you so much, and God bless you for all that you do. As a side note, God bless you extra much for all the time you’ve spent trying to stop the intellectual shell game people are playing with torture. Thank you for never backing down or giving up. People need to hear it.

Father, hear the prayer of your daughter through our Lord Jesus Christ. Mother Mary and St. Paul, pray for her!

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