Saying all the Right Things

Saying all the Right Things May 20, 2009

A reader demands to know:

Is it really true that the GOP is “bleeding” to death? A brand new poll out (Gallup I believe) has party self identification tied between Reps and Dems. We will see a bounce back in the 2010 Congressional elections and then this bleeding to death trope will be seen in a different light. I also agree with several people above who made the point that the crowd did not boo for the reasons Mark asserted they did. Talk about projection!

No! Of course the GOP isn’t bleeding to death! Gallup Polls showing the GOP losing in almost every demographic group (except conservative Christians) are lies invented by wicked NY Times editors.
All is well. The Bubble is a comfortable place and nothing can ever harm those who remain within its comforting womb. Stay the course! Bush/Cheney were just, prudent, and wise. Rush Limbaugh is our sure guide. Torture is frat hazing. The war in Iraq was a great idea and a stunning success. Capturing or killing bin Laden was never really all that important. Katrina was masterfully handled. Just because they had complete control of the government for six years and complete control of the Executive for 8 does not mean the GOP bear any responsibility for economic catastrophe. Obama teleprompter jokes will save us. Palin ’12. Look out for FEMA concentration camps. Dimes prove that Democrats are fascists and have been since Wilson.

Have I missed any of the 12 step Affirmations? Oh! I forgot. “Mark Shea is projecting when he points out people fleeing the GOP associate their failed policies with the only group that steadfastly sticks by the GOP and repeats their crazy self-justifications.” Yeah. I’m totally out of touch with reality.

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