So True

So True May 11, 2009

From our “Sin makes you Stupid” department, we note again the reality that when you train yourself to lie in one area of life, that skill refuses to remain compartmentalized and floats into other areas of life as well. And so, Sheila Liaugminas notes that “What passes as news reporting these days is an unprofessional blend of the sensational, the entertaining and the politically correct.” She gives as an example the curious way in which newspapers talk with euphemistic approval about the suicide of other people and the way in which it oddly reflects the suicide of newpapers themselves.

At an earthly level, corporate media exists to sell beer and shampoo. So, the maxim is, increasingly, “If it bleeds, it leads.” At a supernatural level, the MSM is one of the most powerful tools available to the powers, principalities, and spiritual forces of wickedness in heavenly places who desire the temptation and destruction of the human race. It should not shock us that, in a rapidly de-Christianizing culture, they would be used to herd people toward unthinking approval of the murder of as many innocents as possible.

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