Useful Visuals

Useful Visuals May 20, 2009

Courtesy of Jimmy.

The fascinating thing to me is how the present Administration is still blissfully floating on a cloud of Hope and Change gas while systematically betraying its own base on numerous counts–and expanding and continuing some of the most catastrophic feature$ of the Bu$h pre$idency. And yet still, his base continues to adore him. Amazing what delusion will do for you.

Of course, there are wingnuts on the Left too and they are already upset because he is not sufficiently committed to insanely destroying the entire Catholic hospital system in a mindless act of devotion to the sacrament of abortion. I expect that, as time goes on and Obama keeps betraying his base on the issues they elected him to act on, we will see the wingnuts get more vocal and gain a wider hearing from the rest of the base, as wingnuts have done for time immemorial with disgruntled members of the base. Meantime, we should all pray that the God King does not destroy us with still more ideas from the Best and Brightest.

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