Verily, Star Trek rocketh!

Verily, Star Trek rocketh! May 11, 2009

Took the fambly to Star Trek yesterday. Jolly fun! Zachary Quinto’s Spock so uncannily resembles Nimoy that you’d swear he was a clone or something. Also, Karl Urban’s McCoy was hilarious and Chris Pine’s Kirk was a delightful hell-raiser. Also, they show promise for gettin Uhura out of the “Hailing Frequencies Open” box in which she was trapped in the original series. All in all, a delightful reboot of the franchise by people who decided to scrap almost all the mythology and just do it all again.

Oh, and Simom Pegg’s Scotty was a joy. You don’t have to be a Trek nerd (though I am one) to enjoy it. Check thou it out.

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