Good Morning! It’s Day 3 of the Quarterly Catholic and Enjoying It! Tin Cup Rattle

Good Morning! It’s Day 3 of the Quarterly Catholic and Enjoying It! Tin Cup Rattle June 3, 2009

Yesterday, you got to weather the crisis of my temporary halt in Follower Acquisition, discuss the Shroud of Turin, discover what Consequentialism is all about, get on the cutting edge of a conversation about circumcision, and ward off invisible chocolate robots while chatting about slippery slope arguments. Today, you get to enjoy Meta-Ethical Subjectivist Comedy Gold, as well as peruse other fun stuff that washed up in my mail box. And, of course, there’s the convivial atmosphere of the comments boxes where you can argue about Frank Schaeffer, quibble over Latin, compare notes on Mystery Science Theater 3000 and (who knows?) meet the man or woman of your dreams!

I ask you: Where else can you get quite what you get here? So if you want more of it, click on the PayPal button to the right and help CAEI stay on the air and our kids stay clothed, housed, and fed. You can either make a straight donation or, if you like to get something for your money, you can buy my books and tapes (autographed even!). (By the way, thanks to all the folk who have expressed such interest in Mary, Mother of the Son!)And if you’d rather not do the PayPal thang, feel free to email me and ask for my snailmail address. I’ll happily take a check instead.

Oh! And don’t forget! I am ready, willing and able to come speak for your parish, conference or group. If you are asking yourself the all-important question “Yes, but does he suck?” I can confidently tell you that a number of my combox folk have heard me speak and will happily provide you with good references. Several of them have even asked me back–and not for the purpose of pelting me with sticks and mud!

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