Art Culture A-holes and Metropolitan Community Church Fools

Art Culture A-holes and Metropolitan Community Church Fools July 27, 2009

hold Blasphemofest against the Bible, Pretend It’s Art.

The Usual Suspects indulge in the usual juvenile crap and pat themselves on the back for their Courage. It’s all so numbingly narcissistic and puerile. The cowardly little zits wouldn’t dare do this to a Quran.

Once again, Western atheists make clear that the only real enemy they have is Jesus Christ. And the enmity is all theirs. He remains upon the cross (a cross they rejoice over) for their sake while they make themselves utterly small in their idiotic spite. Sin doesn’t merely make you stupid. Over time it makes you a hissing, gibbering, moron with nothing but idiotic babbling hatred to vomit on the world. God help these people before they reach the point of no return.

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