One of Fr. Philip’s Sniveling Lackeys Comes Crawling to Me, Begging for Help

One of Fr. Philip’s Sniveling Lackeys Comes Crawling to Me, Begging for Help July 27, 2009

He writes:

My name is Sean DeWitt and I am a newly accepted seminarian for the Diocese of Austin, TX. Currently, I am working as an intern for Catholic Charities here in Austin. I am in charge of our blog and social networking, and I was told by a Dominican friend of mine, Fr. Philip Powell (author of Domine, da mihi hanc aquam blog—yes I am one of his minions), that I should ask if you would put a link to one of my articles on your blog.

I have been following your blog through the summer (the length of my internship) and I have enjoyed it a great deal. It would be much appreciated if you could help me increase traffic to our blog site.

Thank you so much.

Here are some articles I have done.

The War of Ideas


Pro-Life equals Pro-Human Development

A Word on the Encyclical

(I’m gonna kill Fr. Phil for this.) I so totally should not be doing this since, you know, what will the other Dark Lords think? And if I didn’t have 182 Followers to his paltry 170-whatever I would so totally be making this DeWitt guy flatter, grovel and beg. However, since I am infinitely superior to Fr. Phil and his manky little empire of bloggery, I suppose I will be clement and say, “What the heck? Check out Sean’s site.”

All you other Dark Lords, stop laughing! I’m not being nice. I’m… acting strategically. Yeah, that’s it. That’s the ticket. Strategically.

I’ll be in my Tower, brooding.

That is all.

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