You are Henry VIII…

You are Henry VIII… July 1, 2009

and upon your desire for temporal power you will build your imitation of my Church, and the gates of Hell will eventually prevail against it. What did you expect, chubby? That a communion founded to legitimate your divorce and snarf up real estate for you and your buddies while starving and murdering the poor and holy would last forever? Sheesh! I’ve got a big enough job keeping the Catholic Church from going belly up what with all the screw-ups there. I can’t keep your project going forever too. I will save all the good folk caught in the middle of your war with my Church and its various screw-up and power-hungry types who, like you, could not care less about Me. But no, I don’t have a burning interest in keeping something called “Anglicanism” going for all eternity. It’s had a good 500 hundred year run, but it’s passed the sell-by date.

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