210 Followers! August 17, 2009

Today, my fawning lackeys, is a special day! As we speak, wee little Lucy, the vessel of all my Darwinian hopes for the eventual genetic conquest of the world, may even now be being born (still no word, but they started administering pitocin last night). Because of this, and because 210 is a nice round number, and because I missed the chance to make a big fuss over 200 followers, I have decided to increase your ration of grog and thin, watery gruel, as well as keep the floggings down to five per day.

As you dribble on yourselves in gratitude for Our Largesse, here is something to keep you from becoming too elated. I think of it as the First Runner Up in the StrongSad Contest for Indie Film Cinematic Excellence. It’s even called “Why Man Creates”!:

That is all!

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