A reader writes

A reader writes August 12, 2009

I have recently, possibly 6 months or more now have been reading articles by you….they are awesome! I think you are a wonderful writer and are doing God’s work very effectively.

I also have a blog….

My blog is basically to share other writings (from books, article, blogs etc), and post them in a way to “draw” people in. I am constantly looking for excellent writings, and there are so many. At the moment, I am looking for something that discusses the issue of “Good and Evil” and how one must realize and not ignore that it exists. Have you written anything on this?

There is this relativist-atheist-animalist thinking seen today everywhere, (I can certainly attest to it through people I know and witness) that needs to be combated. I truly appreciate anything you have….but just looking for an excellent smart, in depth explanation on the reality of good and evil and how we cannot close our eyes to it otherwise we lose sight of the full meaning of things and the reasons. There are people out there who convince themselves that there is no evil or good, and they try to live “polite” lives. They condition themselves that everything is about just “feelings”. Its crazy. As if humans are robotic animals that ought to run from pain, dance in comfort, and not think about life’s meaning and purpose. There are people who see the bible as some ancient non-important writing, basically primitive, and are just ignorant to it and to history. Its a rave disease of the soul.

Anyway, I don’t mean to ramble, but was wondering if you had any good links on the subject of good and evil to share….otherwise, Id bet youd do a sweet job on writing about it.

My article “Padding the Case for the New Atheism” deals with this some. So does my article “Mere Theism“.

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