Denver is Where It’s At for Catechesis

Denver is Where It’s At for Catechesis August 26, 2009

The formidably gifted Aimee Cooper writes:

My Catholic Gospel Message class has been going great. I had 100+ students in the spring course, over 70 of them by distance, from all around the country and a few internationally. Several were parish and diocesan staff.

I’ve heard great stories from students about how they’ve used the material to explain the gospel message, according to the fullness of Catholic understanding, to friends or family members, with great results, people asking to learn more or returning to Church if fallen away. Several of my students who work or volunteer in parishes have told me they are incorporating course materials into classes such as the RCIA pre-catechumenate (the period of primary proclamation of the gospel, for which this course is ideal) and adult faith formation classes. A couple are considering teaching my course themselves in their own dioceses, which would be great. I’ve even had a few international students, from England, Africa, and a few other places.

On top of that, I’ve been invited to teach my course at the seminary here this fall, the St. John Vianney Seminary. We have a great seminary founded by Abp. Chaput, with a great faculty and overflowing with vocations, so to be invited to teach my course there is a real honor. I’ve also been invited to speak at the Living the Catholic Faith Conference in Denver in February, and have been receiving invitations to give smaller talks on the Catholic gospel message around the area.

I’m offering the course by distance again beginning the week of Sept. 21. It’s an 8-week course, and I’ve re-titled it “The Authentic Gospel Message: In the Fullness of the Catholic Tradition.”

Check thou it out!

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